1000 Miniatures, A Memoir in Paintings and Stories
My Granny’s Hand, Acrylic on Panel, 2” x 3" 2019
New project: I am creating a journal and memoir using miniature paintings and stories. The paintings are approximately 2” x 3” give or take. My goal is to create 1000 of them over the next year or so and show them as a group. Hope you enjoy the first one of the series. “My Granny’s Hand” acrylic on panel, 2x3” from memory
When I was a very little girl, my family and I went to visit my grandmother in the nursing home where she had been for a few months. I was too little to understand that she was dying, but I remember feeling worried and sad. I wanted to see my Granny and sit with her, but she was just lying in the bed up above where I stood and I could not see her. After a little while, she reached her hand down to me. I remember it was thin and wrinkled and very soft. She did not squeeze my hand, but just let it hang there so I could hold it. I was aware that everyone was speaking quietly and no one was paying attention to me, but that was ok, I had Granny’s hand. That is my last memory of her, she died soon after and I was only three, too little to understand what a big impact her hands would have on my life. They had raised my dad, created wonderful works of art, written articles and journals, and left me a legacy that I still marvel at today. Yet, the first thought I have of her is of her hand reaching down to touch mine.