Ardis DeFreece Art

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Mini #6 & 7, West Point, WA, Acrylic on panel, 2x3 inches, 2019

The Puget Sound off of Washington State is at once moody and breathtaking. On foggy days, like the one in this view from West Point, you can’t see the line of mountains, including Mt. Rainier, in the distance. It gives a feeling of mystery to be in a place where you know there is something beyond your view, but you just can’t see it. West Point is the westernmost point from Seattle into Puget Sound. There is an 1880’s lighthouse and long stretches of sand, but it is also an important area for indigenous people of the region and a site of ancient Washington. I was born in the Seattle area and moved further south as a kid, but there will always be something special for me about the coastline and mountains near the Sound.

West Point, WA Lighthouse, 2x3 inches, 2019

West Point, WA 2x3 inches, 2019